Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | 26/10/95, Volume 1, Number 06 |
Publication Date | 26/10/1995 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 26/10/1995 JACQUES Santer's first Christmas present for Commission staff has dismayed thousands of officials whose thoughts are just beginning to turn to mistletoe and mulled wine. They have learned that their much-prized annual hampers (the famous 'colis'), normally on offer every May at bargain-basement prices, are under threat. Staff have been told that belt-tightening requires cutbacks, even in the approaching festive season. The intention is to stop the traditional bumper goody-box of wines, spirits and cigarettes which has been available for as long as anyone can remember for the princely sum of 1,800 Belgian francs. Every year a list of cut-price alcohol and tobacco, costing about a quarter of what they would pay in the shops, is sent round to Commission staff who make their selection. Even adding the cost of having to go out to Zaventem to collect the prize, it's still a bargain, although the real value of this once princely perk has diminished over time. The 1,800 BF token payment has remained the same for about 30 years and four times that amount does not go very far these days when it comes to buying alcohol and cigarettes. In any case, it isn't just the cost and administration involved in running the offer which is behind the threatened withdrawal - officials have been warned that it really is bad for them to consume too much of this sort of thing. The move is also being seen as part of the Commission's efforts to improve its public image by doing away with unnecessary perks for its well-paid staff. But this cuts little ice with employees affected by the change. “A Commission president who allows this to happen doesn't deserve to be called Santer,” muttered one official. |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |