Santer set to win bid for more power

Series Title
Series Details 10/04/97, Volume 3, Number 14
Publication Date 10/04/1997
Content Type

Date: 10/04/1997

By Rory Watson

EUROPEAN Commission President Jacques Santer is winning his battle to increase his personal authority over his colleagues as member states move to strengthen the EU's executive arm.

In contrast to the bitter arguments between Intergovernmental Conference negotiators over plans to reduce the number of Commissioners in an enlarged Union, there is widespread agreement that the powers of the institution's president should be enhanced.

“Even the French now accept that the Commission president should be given the tools to do the job,” explained one senior official.

“He should be able to select his fellow Commissioners in consultation with governments rather than accept whom he is given, and be able to decide the distribution and possible reshuffle of portfolios as he wishes.”

The move reflects concern among pro-European member states, led by Germany, that without a strong Commission, enlarging the Union by admitting up to a dozen new members could weaken its effectiveness.

Although the UK, for one, is reluctant to give greater authority to a non-elected official, the idea has strong backing.

A Dutch EU presidency memo submitted to foreign ministers this week confirmed the objective of ensuring “an efficient and strengthened Commission” and proposed that the president should be given authority “to exercise policy leadership”.

He should be entitled to select his colleagues in cooperation with governments and to allocate and reshuffle portfolios to make the “best use of the professional skill and political experience” of Commissioners.

A future president's political legitimacy would also be strengthened under plans now on the table to give the European Parliament the formal power to approve or reject the nominee chosen by EU leaders for the post. Santer submitted himself to this ordeal when he was appointed in July 1994, but it is not legally required under existing rules.

But although he is pressing for the president to be given some of the powers enjoyed by a prime minister, Santer has made it clear he firmly believes in collegiate responsibility and strongly opposes the idea that the European Parliament should be able to sanction individual Commissioners.

The move to increase the president's powers is coinciding with plans to implement the most radical overhaul of Commission departments in the institution's 40-year history.

“Thinking on internal reform has started already. It will take time and there is no timetable, but it is certain that the existing members will make some changes and prepare the ground before they hand over to their successors,” confirmed one senior official.

Santer and his colleagues in the 20-strong Commission have openly acknowledged that there are only ten to 12 real portfolios, plus additional ad hoc tasks. They also admitted last month that “the entire administration is in need of thorough modernisation”.

IGC negotiators are now pressing Santer to give a clearer idea of the future shape of the Commission. This week's memo from the Dutch confirmed the need for reform by suggesting that a specific declaration be attached to the revised treaty stipulating that the restructuring be completed within an as yet unspecified number of years.

Reorganisation of the external relations departments is inevitable with the probable appointment of a Foreign Policy Commissioner assisted by subordinates handling specific issues such as trade, development policy and humanitarian aid.

But any large-scale overhaul would almost certainly involve all Commission departments and spark intense rearguard battles as opponents fought to protect their fiefdoms.

Meanwhile, with France isolated in its attempts to reduce the number of Commissioners by almost half, the most feasible options now are either to maintain the status quo or agree to one per member state.

“Frankly, I think we will stick with what we have already. Nothing has convinced us that reducing Commissioners will make the institution more efficient,” said one IGC participant.

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