Russian military invasion of Ukraine (2022)

Manylion yr Awdur
Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 2022
Math o Gynnwys , ,


Information Guide concerning the decision from Russia to carry out a military aggression against Ukraine.

Further information:

The operation was launched in the early hours on 24 February 2022 and comprised an invasion in three fronts, from the north, east and south. The military operation was the culmination of months of tension between the two countries and a progressive build-up of Russian military presence along the borders with Ukraine.

The aggression was strongly condemned by countries across the globe, and particularly by Western countries and NATO allies. Sanctions and other restrictive measures were swiftly announced by the European Union (EU) and other countries, including the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK). Even so, all measures were deemed insufficient by the Ukrainian authorities as the country tried to fence off the progression of Russian military forces.

The Council of Europe decided on 25 February to adopt so-called Article 8 measures and suspended Russia from its rights of representation in the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly. On 10 March, Russia announced the intention to leave this organisation, which was made effective on 15 March. The formal notification reached CoE Secretary-General alongside a declaration of Russian intention to denounce the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).

On 28 February, the Council of the European Union adopted Decisions aimed at funding military equipment designed to deliver lethal forces, as well non-lethal equipment. The Ukrainian authorities formally signed an application for EU membership. At the same time, massive flows of people fleeing the destruction caused by Russia's invasion reached the borders of neighbouring countries. On 4 March, the Council of the European Union established the existence of a mass influx of persons coming from Ukraine into the EU, which allowed it to formally provide temporary protection.

By 15 March 2022, the EU had already adopted four packages of restrictive measures related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. A fifth round of sanctions was announced on 5 April 2022. In the meantime, the European Union published guidance and recommendations aimed at facilitating the reception and integration of those fleeing the war in EU territory.

This page will be continuously updated with further information resources. For the full list of resources available in ESO on this topic, please visit the dedicated Subject Keyword.

Dolenni Cysylltiedig
Sylwebaeth a Dadansoddiad
Euro|topics: Dossier: Russia's war against Ukraine
EPRS: Think Tank: Tag: Russia-Ukraine War
Verfassungsblog: Debates: Russia's War on Ukraine
Brookings: Lawfare Institute: Blog Tag: 2022 Ukraine Crisis
European Council on Foreign Affairs (ECFR): Topics: Russia attacks Ukraine
Institut Montaigne: Dossier: Ukraine and Russia: Destined for Conflict?
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP): Dossier: Russia's War against Ukraine
LSE: EUROPP Blog: Category: Russia-Ukraine War
The Conversation: Topics: Ukraine invasion 2022
Bertelsmann Foundation: Topics: War against Ukraine
UK House of Commons Library: Research Briefings: Ukraine crisis

BBC News: War in Ukraine
Deutsche Welle: Russia's invasion of Ukraine (2022)
The Guardian: Series: Live coverage of the all the latest developments in the 2022 Ukraine crisis
Der Spiegel: Theme: Russia's War Against Ukraine

EUR-LEX: Measures in solidarity with Ukraine
European Commission: EU solidarity with Ukraine
General Secretariat of the Council: EU restrictive measures in response to the crisis in Ukraine
European Parliament: Headlines: Ukraine - How the EU is supporting Ukraine
European Parliament: Stand with Ukraine - Dedicated website in cooperation with the Ukrainian Parliament
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): Ukraine - Latest News and Statements
UK Government: Russian invasion of Ukraine: UK government response
Welsh Government: International and EU: Ukraine

Cofnodion ESO
Subject Keyword: War in Ukraine (2022)

Ukrainian Presidency: News, 24/02/2022: Address by the President of Ukraine
European Commission: Press Statement of President Charles Michel of the European Council and President Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission on Russia's unprecedented and unprovoked military aggression of Ukraine (24 February 2022)
European Commission: Press statement by President von der Leyen on Russia's aggression against Ukraine (24 February 2022)
EU EEAS: Russia/Ukraine: Statement delivered by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union at the extraordinary OSCE Permanent Council (24 February 2022)
EU EEAS: Press Release, 24/02/2022: Russia: The EU summons the Ambassador about invasion of Ukraine
EU EEAS: Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Press Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell (24 February 2022)
European Council: Remarks by President Michel at the joint press conference with Commission President von der Leyen and NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg (24 February 2022)
German Presidency of the G7 Group: G7 Leaders’ Statement on the invasion of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation (24 February 2022)
NATO: News, 24/02/2022: NATO Allies condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms
UK Government: Press Release, 24/02/2022: Foreign Secretary imposes UK’s most punishing sanctions to inflict maximum and lasting pain on Russia
UK Government: PM statement to the House of Commons on Ukraine: 24 February 2022
Council of Europe: Newsroom, 16/03/2022: The Russian Federation is excluded from the Council of Europe

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