Row over Strasbourg extension plan

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.8, No.29, 25.7.02, p6
Publication Date 25/07/2002
Content Type

Date: 25/07/02

By Martin Banks

CONTROVERSIAL plans to build an extension to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg have been branded 'completely crazy'.

Under the proposal, two new meeting rooms will be built onto the huge, glass-fronted building in the French city by 2004, when the EU is due to welcome up to ten new countries.

The additional space is designed to cope with the increase in the number of MEPs from 626 to an estimated 738.

But the proposals, which have been put forward by Parliament's Bureau, comprising its 14 vice-presidents, have caused an outcry among some members. They were disclosed by Julian Priestley, the assembly's secretary-general, in a document sent to members of the budgets committee last week.

UK Socialist MEP Neena Gill, a member of the committee, said: 'The amount of money wasted on the Parliament's Strasbourg sessions never ceases to amaze.

'Our monthly trek to Strasbourg already costs European taxpayers more than €100 million a year and now proposals are on the table to add two new meeting rooms at an estimated cost of €15 million. It is completely crazy.'

The rooms, which will each be able to seat up to 424 people, will be used for meetings of Parliament's nine political groups. But Gill says the extra space is a waste of money.

'However optimistic the groups are, even with 738 MEPs after enlargement in 2004, no group will have that many MEPs,' she said. 'It is even more ridiculous when you consider that group meetings in Strasbourg last, on average, less than six hours each month.'

She added: 'We moved into the new buildings in Strasbourg in 1999 and now, three years on, we are talking about spending more money.

'Everyone knew enlargement would happen yet no one seems to have thought this would have an impact on buildings.

'The long-term solution to the problem, though, is simple: Strasbourg sessions must be abandoned. It would mean less travel costs, less building costs and less administrative costs.'

EU leaders decided at the 1992 Edinburgh summit that members should meet 12 times per year in Strasbourg.

The decision has often been criticised by deputies in all member states except France.

The obligation to go to the Alsatian capital has since been copper-fastened by a protocol in the Amsterdam Treaty.

Controversial plans to build an extension to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg have been branded 'completely crazy' by MEPs.

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