Rethinking consumer behaviour for the well-being of all – Reflections on individual consumer responsibility

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-871-6482-7
Content Type

This guide invites the reader to think about consumption as one factor in the difficult task of building cohesive, sustainable societies based on the principle or universal well-being. The Council or Europe hopes that this reassessment will prompt people to question their choices as consumers: taking account of human rights, decent working conditions, the sustainable use of resources and our legacy to future generations. Surely consumption should be a responsible, socially committed act. An eclectic mix or academic articles, examples and illustrations makes this guide an unusual, informative work which can be readily used as the basis for discussions on this pressing social issue. This book, inspired by a contribution from the European Inter-Network of Ethical and Solidarity-Based Initiatives (IRIS), is intended as a "prototype": readers are free to adapt its contents to their own circumstances, to add relevant examples and to bring the ideas presented to life.

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