Report on the implementation of the third programme of Community action in the field of health in 2014

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2017) 149 final (3.4.17)
Publication Date 03/04/2017
Content Type ,

This report presents the implementation of the Third Health Programme in 2014. This was the first year of the implementation of the Third Health Programme established by Regulation (EU) No 282/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014. This Regulation applies from 1 January 2014 for a Programme lasting seven years until 31 December 2020. Under Article 13 of the Regulation, the Commission must report to the Health Programme Committee on the implementation of all actions funded through the Programme, and keep the European Parliament and the Council informed. This report meets that requirement. It provides detailed information on the 2014 budget and how it was spent.

The accompanying Staff Working Document presents a set of examples of the key multi-annual actions co-funded under the Second Health Programme for which final results became available in 2014. It also describes examples of action funded under the 2014 work programme in ancillary fields such as evaluation and dissemination. Overview tables detailing all activities co-funded and contracts provided are also presented.

The Third Health Programme has a total budget of €449,400,000. It has four specific objectives:
1. To promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle;
2. To protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats;
3. To contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems;
4. To facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens.

The Programme defines progress indicators for each objective. To reach these objectives, the Programme can be implemented using a wide range of funding instruments. These are:
- action co-financed with Member State authorities (‘joint actions’);
- projects and operating grants to specifically support non-governmental organisations and networks;
- direct agreements with international organisations, public procurement; and
- other actions.

In this first year of the Third Health Programme a number of important initiatives, including eight joint actions, were supported and started thanks to Programme co-funding. In line with the conclusions from the ex post evaluation of the Second Health Programme, the Commission ensures that the implementation of the Third Health Programme is closely monitored and that results are publicised more widely. The Commission further continues to encourage and foster the participation of all Member States and countries participating in the Programme and seek synergies with other EU funding programmes.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: SWD(2017)119: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

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Countries / Regions