Report on the implementation of Article 45 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2017) 777 final (19.12.17)
Publication Date 19/12/2017
Content Type ,

Further information:

This report concerns the implementation of information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (CAP) for 2015 and 2016, under Article 45 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy.

According to Article 45(5) of the Regulation, a report on the implementation of the information measures under the Regulation shall be presented to the European Parliament and the Council every two years. This is the seventh such report. The annexes mentioned in the text are to be found in the Commission Staff Working Document accompanying this report.

Background information:

In the 2015-2016 period, the Commission continued to develop its corporate communication activities on the basis of its ten political priorities, with a special emphasis on investment, economic growth and jobs. Resources were pooled from different spending programmes in order to fund communication priorities based on the general objectives of the European Union.

In 2015 Commission departments, including DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), contributed to the execution of this joint approach. From the end of 2015 and throughout 2016, efforts were intensified to inform stakeholders and a wider audience about the tangible benefits delivered by the EU for citizens. The focus was on raising public awareness about the EU as a whole, its role, values, political priorities and its work to address current challenges.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: SWD(2017)459: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

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