Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the evaluation of the Union’s finances based on the results achieved

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 383 final (26.06.14)
Publication Date 26/06/2014
Content Type ,

Article 318 TFEU requires the Commission to submit to the European Parliament and the Council an evaluation report on the Union's finances based on the results achieved. This fourth Article 318 Evaluation Report ('the Evaluation Report' or 'Report') follows up on requests made by the Discharge Authority, most recently in its 2012 discharge resolution and in its Resolution of 26 February 2014, on its content and structure.

Further work has been done to improve the focus of the report on the performance of the main financial programmes as reported and assessed in 2013. A distinction has been made between internal and external policies and the Report focusses, within the section relating to internal policies, on performance information relevant to the Europe 2020 strategy. As has been set out in the Commission's recent stock-taking of the Europe 2020 strategy, against a background of the crisis and other long-term trends affecting growth, progress towards the Europe 2020 targets have been mixed. Although it is not possible to single out what has been the exact contribution of each of the financial programmes in achieving Europe 2020 targets and although the Europe 2020 strategy had not been adopted when the MFF 2007-2013 programmes were designed, this report provides available performance information on how the financial programmes have contributed to Europe 2020.

2013 is the last year of the MFF 2007-2013 period, but it is still too early fully to measure the programmes' results and impacts. This is because the final and ex-post evaluations addressing these issues are planned in the period 2014-2016. Nevertheless, data is available on indicators measuring the extent to which the implementation of the programmes is on track and a number of evaluations have been finalised giving performance feedback.

The report examines the results achieved for the main financial programmes (section 2). Looking to the future, the report summarises the monitoring, reporting, and evaluation framework for the 2014-2020 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF; section 3).

The Report is accompanied by two Commission Staff Working Documents. The first provides an analysis and a description of the monitoring, reporting and evaluation frameworks for the financial programmes in 2014-2020, fulfilling the commitment made in last year's Evaluation Report. Following up on a request of the Court of Auditors, the second document takes stock of the progress made to date on the Action Plan for the Development of the Article 318 Evaluation Report, attached to last year's Report.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2014)383: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2014)200: Overview of the Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Frameworks for the MFF 2014-2020 Programmes
EUR-Lex: SWD(2014)201: Stock-taking on the Action Plan for the Development of the Article 318 Evaluation Report

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