Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Annual report 2013 on the European Union’s development and external assistance policies and their implementation in 2012

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 594 final (21.8.13)
Publication Date 21/08/2013
Content Type ,

The European Union (EU) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 for contribution to advancement of peace, democracy and human rights in Europe. Fittingly, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, in his address at the Nobel Prize ceremony linked this achievement with global solidarity and responsibility: “As a continent that went from devastation to become one of the world's strongest economies, with the most progressive social systems, being the world's largest aid donor, we have a special responsibility to millions of people in need.”

Thus Europe is at the core of worldwide efforts to improve lives through development. The EU as a whole remains the world’s largest donor of official development assistance, collectively providing €55.2 billion in 2012. 2012 was also the first year of implementing the Agenda for Change, increasing the impact of EU development policy in reducing poverty. In parallel, preparations on a global post-2015-framework advanced, with the EU as a key player. The EU also provided swift and decisive support in situations of crisis and fragility such as the drought in the Sahel and the conflicts in Syria and in Mali.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)594: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)307: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report
ESO: Background information: EU still world’s biggest aid donor but misses own targets

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