Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. European research area progress report 2013

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 637 final (20.9.13)
Publication Date 2013
Content Type ,

Reforms of national research systems are at the heart of the European Research Area (ERA). More effective national research systems, together with Horizon 2020 which will be exemplary on delivering on all ERA priorities, will help to provide answers to the European societal challenges ahead. ERA reforms are even more urgent in the context of the recent economic and financial crisis which requires rapid, efficient and growth-generating solutions.

European research is key to ensure the future competitiveness of our economies and generate economic growth, as acknowledged by all Member States when adopting the 3% of GDP target of investing in research and development. While private investment in research is crucial for achieving the target, national authorities should provide for structural reforms to increase such investment. Research is an essential component of the European Semester process in which Member States identify their national budgetary and economic reforms.

As a strategic contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy and notably smart growth in Europe, on 17 July 2012 the European Commission adopted the Communication on 'A Reinforced European Research Area partnership for Growth and Jobs'. It called for urgent structural changes across Europe in a partnership between Member States, Stakeholder Organisations and the Commission for a timely delivery of concrete measures to increase the level of excellence of Europe's public research system.

The ERA Progress Report 2013 presents for the first time an overview on the political context, steps taken and first achievements in the 28 Member States as well as in a number of Associated Countries. The Staff Working Document accompanying this report, ERA Facts and Figures, presents factual information at both national and European level for the ERA priorities. It provides a baseline preparing an in-depth assessment of progress on ERA in 2014.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)637: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)333: European Research Area facts and figures 2013
ESO: Background information: ERA progress report: 'single market' for research closer, not yet a reality

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