Report from the Commission. Sixth annual report on implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2012)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 921 final (18.12.13)
Publication Date 18/12/2013
Content Type ,

The present report responds to the requirement under Article 68 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) that the Commission reports each year to the European Parliament, to the Council, to the European Economic and Social Committee and to the Committee of the Regions on the actual implementation of the EFF during the preceding year. It is based on an examination and assessment by the Commission of the Member States’ annual reports and on other available information.

This report is divided into two main parts. The first part presents an overall assessment of EFF implementation by the Member States and by the Commission during 2012. It also considers the relevant trends on the basis of the data provided by the Member States in response to the requests for information made by the Commission pursuant to Article 40 of the EFF implementing regulation.

The second part provides a more detailed assessment of the implementation of key measures in the different priority axes of the EFF. For axis 1 it focuses on permanent cessation, temporary cessation, investments on board fishing vessels and selectivity, commonly referred to as vessel modernisation. While it deals only with aquaculture and processing for axis 2, and with pilot projects for axis 3, it deals with all the measures for the sustainable development of fisheries areas under axis 4.

The report is complemented by a Commission Staff Working Document which uses information from the Member States' annual implementation reports to document EFF implementation with detailed information on financial execution in each Member State.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)921: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)533: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions