Report from the Commission – 29th annual report on monitoring the application of EU law (2011)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2012) 714 final (30.11.12)
Publication Date 30/11/2012
Content Type ,

The European Union cannot achieve its policy goals if Member States do not apply EU law effectively on the ground. The respective responsibilities for the Commission and the Member States are clearly defined in the Treaties. The Member States are responsible for the correct application of the acquis, with the obligation to transpose directives in a correct and timely manner. The Commission has the responsibility for monitoring the Member States’ efforts and ensuring compliance with EU law, including the resort to formal legal procedures.

With a view to effective policy implementation, the Commission works in partnership with the Member States to try to solve in an efficient and satisfactory manner, problems and complaints from citizens, business, NGOs and other stakeholders, concerning the application of EU law before starting formal infringement procedures. Should these problem solving efforts not be successful, the Commission may launch formal infringement procedures. These procedures may concern late or incorrect transposition of directives or bad application of the law.

This Report reviews performance on key aspects of the application of EU law and provides an overview of strategic issues. Performance and challenges in the application of EU law by sector and by Member State are examined in the accompanying Staff Working Documents.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2012)714: Follow the progress of this document through the decision-making procedure
European Commission: SWD(2012)399: Situation by Member State
European Commission: SWD(2012)400: Situation by Sector

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