Remedies in EC law. Law and practice in the English and EC courts. 2nd ed.

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 1998
ISBN 0-752-00469-7
Content Type

Remedies in EC law. Law and practice in the English and EC Courts, 2nd ed.:
When it was first published in 1994, this was a much praised book on the question of remedies in EC law. The issue of the enforcement of rights granted under Community law and the availability of remedies in national courts to protect those rights is an increasingly important question for law practitioners in the UK, and elsewhere.

This second edition is divided into five main sections: Part one looks at the application of EC law in the English courts and describes the sources, general principles and supremacy of EC law, and also investigates direct effect and interpretation. Part two examines remedies in the English courts for breach of EC law covering damages, injunctions, restitution and judicial review. Part three discusses references to the Court of Justice for a preliminary reference. Part four looks at remedies in EC courts for breach of EC law and describes proceedings against Member States for breach of EC law, judicial review of EC Acts, the plea of illegality, judicial review of failure to act, suing the Community in damages, interim relief and procedure before the EC courts. Part five contains the text of precedents. In addition, there are various appendices providing such information as the rules of procedure for the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance.

The second edition extensively updates and extends the information from the first edition. There is a new chapter on proportionality and legitimate expectations. There is a substantial extension of the chapter on interpretation and effective protection of Community law rights. There are also substantial changes in the chapters on damages and judicial review in national courts. The sections on preliminary references and remedies in the Community Courts have also been extended and brought up to date, with extensive references to the latest case law.

Brealey, Mark/ Hoskins, Mark
Remedies in EC law. Law and practice in the English and EC Courts, 2nd ed.
Sweet and Maxwell, 1998
ISBN: 0-75200-469-7
Price: £90.00

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