Regulation (EU) 2018/1861 on the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System (SIS) in the field of border checks

Awdur (Corfforaethol) ,
Teitl y Gyfres
Manylion y Gyfres L 312
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 07/12/2018
Math o Gynnwys


On 21 December 2016 the European Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation aiming at improving and extending the use of the Schengen Information System (SIS) in the field of border checks, amending Regulation (EU) No 515/2014 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006.

The European Parliament's plenary session confirmed its position and mandate for interinstitutional negotiations in November 2017. The Council of the European Union adopted its general approach on this proposal shortly afterwards. The two institutions reached an informal agreement on 12 June 2018, and the Regulation was adopted on 28 November.

Further information:

The Schengen Information System (SIS) is a large-scale, centralised information system that supports checks at the external Schengen borders and improves law enforcement and judicial cooperation in 29 countries throughout Europe.

The proposal was adopted as part of a legislative package aimed at reinforcing the Schengen Information System. This set of initiatives was put forward together with a report featuring an assessment to this system.

This specific draft law provides for more effective use of fingerprints and facial images in the SIS and obliges Member States to record all entry bans issued to third-country nationals staying illegally in their territory.

Dolen Ffynhonnell
Dolenni Cysylltiedig
Sylwebaeth a Dadansoddiad
EPRS: Briefing, Febraury 2018: Revision of the Schengen Information System for border checks

EUR-Lex: COM(2016)882: Proposal for a Regulation on the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System (SIS) in the field of border checks
European Parliament: Legislative Train: Revision of the Schengen Information System in the field of border checks
European Parliament: Legislative Observatory: Procedure file on proposal regarding Schengen Information System (SIS) in the field of border checks

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