Quaderns IEE | Volume 3 (Number 2)

Author (Person) , , , , , , ,
Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Volume 3, Number 2
Publication Date 2024
Content Type ,

Table of Contents:

  • Editorial | Josep Maria de Dios Marcer
  • Studies
    • Permafrost degradation is a legal matter | Elena V. Novikova
    • Restoration or commercialization? The protection of biodiversity in the Green Deals of the European Union and the United States | Ezio Costa Cordella & Clara Esteve-Jordà
    • Transnational intra-party dynamics on European democratic reforms. The case of the Europarties | Diogo Ferreira
    • The EU facing the demographic challenge. New social contract and the necessary economic and social protection of older people | Carlos Padrós Reig
  • Notes
    • Habemus Pactum at the price of human rights | Antoni Abat Ninet
  • Agenda
    • Upcoming events on EU issues | Concepció Muñoz Ruiz
Source Link https://revistes.uab.cat/quadernsiee/issue/view/6
Subject Categories
International Organisations