Author (Corporate) | European Court of Auditors |
Publisher | Publications Office of the European Union |
Series Title | ECA Special Reports |
Series Details | 28/2023, Number 28 |
Publication Date | December 2023 |
ISBN | 1977-5679 |
ISSN | 978-92-849-1210-0 |
EC | QJ-AB-23-027-EN-Q |
Content Type | Blog & Commentary, News, Report |
Summary:Public procurement is a key element of the EU’s single market. It helps public authorities in member states achieve the best value for money when purchasing works, goods and services by selecting the best performing companies. This in turn contributes to making markets competitive and safeguards the public interest. We found that over the last decade, competition for public contracts has decreased, and that the 2014 reform of the EU directives has not shown signs of reversing it. Overall, there is a lack of awareness for competition in public procurement. Data available is not used systematically to identify root causes for the decrease and only scattered actions are taken to reduce obstacles. We conclude that key goals of the EU’s 2014 reform to ensure competition, such as simplifying and shortening the procurement procedures, have not been met and that some of the objectives may even reduce competition. We recommend clarify and prioritise public procurement objectives, close the gaps in the public procurement data collected, improve its monitoring tools to allow better analysis, deepen the root cause analysis and put forward an action plan to overcome key obstacles to competition in public procurement. Further information:The Council of the European Union adopted on 24 May 2024 a set of conclusions reacting to this ECA Special Report. |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry |
Subject Tags | Public Procurement |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |