Author (Corporate) | European Commission: Eurostat |
Series Details | COM (2023) 31 |
Publication Date | 28/01/2023 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary:Legislative initiative - tabled by the European Commission on 20 January 2023 - concerning European statistics on population and housing. It seeks to amend Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 and repeal Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 and Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013. This is a text with EEA relevance. Further information:European statistics on population (ESOP) mean official statistics at EU level on population, demographic events and migration and the various indicators based on these statistics. Eurostat has published statistics in these areas since 1960. Since then, population statistics have been produced mainly by taking results from direct population enumerations during censuses and interpolating intermediate periods with information on population changes taken from administrative systems for civil registration. The ongoing move from traditional field censuses to combined or even fully register-based censuses is seen to minimise the production burden on the general public by basing the compilation of these statistics mainly on administrative data sources. Member States of the European Union (EU) voluntarily transmitted all population data until 2007. Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 set up requirements for migration statistics, Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 established common rules for the provision every ten years of comprehensive census data on population and housing in the EU. Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 established the common rules for European demographic data, and it obliged Member States to provide the European Commission with harmonised data on the total population at national level to be used as weights for qualified majority voting in the Council of the European Union. An assessment carried out by the Commission showed the existing framework significantly improved European population statistics overall. However, it also revealed the decreasing relevance, coherence, consistency and comparability of population data and statistics across Member States. In 2014, the Commission began modernising social statistics leading to the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2019/1700, a common legal framework for European statistics relating to persons and households, based on data at individual level collected from samples of persons and households. This draft law is the second core component of that modernisation process. It seeks to strengthen the links between and general consistency of all EU social statistics based on persons and households. It is aimed at developing a harmonised definition of population based on sound statistical concepts for all outputs, and to facilitate access to available sources. The proposal also contains provisions to align population and international migration statistics more with statistics on administrative and judicial events related to asylum, legal and irregular migration. The proposed Regulation was adopted by the European Commission on 20 January 2023. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Geography |
Subject Tags | Housing, Population |
Keywords | Demographics |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |