Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union |
Series Title | Official Journal of the European Union |
Series Details | L 128, Pages 1-10 |
Publication Date | 15/05/2023 |
Content Type | Legislation, Policy-making |
Summary:Directive (EU) 2023/946 - adopted by the co-legislators on 10 May 2023 - introducing amendments to Directive 2003/25/EC as regards the inclusion of improved stability requirements and its alignment with stability requirements defined by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This is a text with EEA relevance. Further information:Directive 2003/25/EC laid down a uniform level of specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships. In 2015, the European Commission published a report on the outcome of an assessment that led to the revision of EU passenger ship safety legislation. No specific amendments were put forward for Directive 2003/25/EC because discussions were taking place at the time within the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on stability standards for ships in damaged condition. Following the conclusion of those discussions, considering the results of the assessment and bearing in mind the wider goal of simplifying and streamlining the EU regulatory framework for passenger ships safety, the European Commission tabled on 18 February 2022 a draft Directive introducing amendments to Directive 2003/25/EC. The revision ensures consistency as far as practicable with the latest international damage stability standards as agreed at the IMO, reduces the complexity as well as the technical and administrative burden, reduces the ambiguity of definitions and requirements, and eliminates outdated provisions concerning international instruments. This Directive updates numerous definitions and references to relevant EU legislation and beyond. The Council of the European Union adopted its general approach on 2 June 2022. The plenary of the European Parliament confirmed a negotiating position on 21 November. An informal agreement between the co-legislators on a compromise text for this file was reached on 6 December. This was formally endorsed by the Parliament on 14 March 2023 and by the Council on 25 April. The Act was signed by the co-legislators on 10 May 2023 and published in the Official Journal on 15 May 2023. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets, Mobility and Transport |
Subject Tags | Waterway Transport |
Keywords | Harmonisation | Standardisation, Ships |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |