Proposal for a Council Decision extending the validity of Decision 2011/492/EU and suspending the application of its appropriate measures

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 369 final (17.06.14)
Publication Date 17/06/2014
Content Type

On 31 January 2011 the European Union decided to open consultations with the Republic of Guinea‑Bissau under Article 96 of the revised Cotonou Agreement. This decision was taken in the wake of the events of 1 April 2010. On that day, on the orders of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Antonio Indjai, a group of mutinous soldiers arrested Chief of Staff José Zamora Induta and the Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau, Mr Gomes Junior. Following the mutiny, General Indjai became de facto Chief of Staff before being officially appointed on 25 June 2010 by decree of the President, Mr Bacai Sanha, on a proposal from the government.

The European Union regards the mutiny of 1 April 2010 and the subsequent appointment of its main instigators to high-ranking posts in the military hierarchy as a serious and evident breach of the essential elements of Article 9 of the Cotonou Agreement (respect for democratic principles) and as a case of special urgency within the meaning of Article 96(2)(b). A letter was therefore sent to the Guinea‑Bissau authorities on 2 February 2011 to invite them to hold consultations.

The opening meeting of the consultations took place in Brussels on 29 March 2011. In the course of the meeting, the participants were informed of the proposals of the Guinea‑Bissau side for progressively ensuring the primacy of civilian authority, improving democratic governance, guaranteeing the safeguarding of constitutional order and the rule of law, and tackling impunity and organised crime.

The European Union decided on 18 July 2011, by Council Decision 2011/492/EU to adopt appropriate measures for the performance of these undertakings, including a scheme of mutual commitments for the gradual resumption of EU cooperation.

The Commission considers it important that Council Decision 2011/492/EU does not expire as it continues providing a fundamental framework for the promotion of democratic stability and rule of law in Guinea-Bissau. An extension of the deadline of one year, until 19 July 2015, is therefore proposed. However, taking into consideration the holding of credible elections and in order to be able to engage with and to support the democratically elected authorities to move the country towards more stability, democracy and development, it is proposed to suspend the application of the appropriate measures.

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EUR-Lex: COM(2014)369: Follow the progress of this proposal through the decision-making procedure

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