Proposal for a Council Decision authorising Portugal to apply a reduced rate of excise duty in the autonomous region of Madeira on locally produced and consumed rum and liqueurs and in the autonomous region of the Azores on locally produced and consumed liqueurs and eaux-de-vie

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 117 final (05.03.14)
Publication Date 05/03/2014
Content Type

Pursuant to Council Decision 2009/831/EC of 10 November 2009, adopted on the basis of Article 299(2) of the EC Treaty, Portugal was authorised to apply up to 31 December 2013 a reduced rate of excise duty in the autonomous region of Madeira on locally produced and consumed rum and liqueurs and in the autonomous region of the Azores on locally produced and consumed liqueurs and eaux-de-vie.

Article 2 of that Decision confines the above derogation to specific products. Portugal can apply to those products a rate of excise duty lower than the full rate on alcohol laid down in Article 3 of Council Directive 92/84/EEC, and lower than the minimum rate of excise duty on alcohol set by this Directive but not more than 75% lower than the standard national excise duty on alcohol.

Decision 2009/831/EC sets out the reasons for adopting specific measures, which include the small size, fragmented nature and low mechanisation of agricultural holdings. Moreover, the transport to the islands of certain raw and packaging materials not produced locally leads to additional cost, as compared to the transport merely of the finished product. Transport and installation of equipment in those remote insular regions further increase the additional costs. Finally, the producers concerned also bear extra costs generally borne by the local economies, in particular increases labour and energy costs.

The 75% reduction does not go beyond what is necessary to counterbalance the levels of additional costs that are incurred by operators as a result of the particular characteristics of Madeira and of the Azores as outermost regions referred to in Article 349 TFEU.

Since the tax advantage is limited to what is necessary to offset additional costs and since the volumes at stake remain modest the measure does not undermine the integrity and coherence of the Community legal order. Moreover, the tax advantage is limited to consumption in the regions concerned.

The Portuguese authorities have requested the renewal of the authorisation to apply a reduced rate of excise duty in the autonomous region of Madeira on locally produced and consumed rum and liqueurs and in autonomous region of the Azores on locally produced and consumed liqueurs and eaux-de-vie until 31 December 2020. The renewal needs to be approved both by a Council Decision under Article 349 TFEU and by a Commission Decision on State Aid. The Council Decision under Article 349 TFEU is without prejudice to the Commission's Decision on the prolongation of this measure under State aid rules.

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EUR-Lex: COM(2014)117: Follow the progress of this proposal through the decision-making procedure

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