Promoting learning for work

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-92-896-1890-8
ISSN 1831-5860
EC TI-04-15-359-EN-N
Content Type

Vocational education and training is a matter for national policy. But in a single European labour market, it is also a matter for European collaboration. Cedefop carries out research that underpins European and national vocational education and training policy, with particular focus on how best to link education and employment through qualifications frameworks, validation of informal and non-formal learning and work-based learning. By collecting, through its expert networks in Member States, specialised information on vocational education and training policies and practice across Europe, Cedefop produces analyses, data and statistics that allow for comparisons between countries and identify present challenges and future trends. Cedefop submits its reports to the European Commission, European Parliament, Member States and European social partners. It also advises its stakeholders on issues linked to vocational education and training. The Centre also operates as a forum, bringing together policy-makers, social partners, researchers and practitioners to share ideas and debate the best ways to improve vocational education and training in Europe.

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