Author (Person) | Saltman, Richard B. |
Publisher | Open University Press |
Publication Date | 2006 |
ISBN | 0 335 21366 9 (Hbk) |
Content Type | Report, Textbook | Monograph |
What is the best way to structure primary care services? How can the coordination between primary care and other parts of health care systems be improved? How should new technologies be integrated into primary care? There is considerable agreement among national policy-makers across Europe that, in principle, primary care should be the linchpin of a well-designed health care system. This agreement, however, does not carry over into the organizational mechanisms best suited to pursuing or achieving this common objective. Across the WHO European Region, primary care is delivered through a wide range of institutional, financial, professional and clinical configurations. This book is a study of the reforms of primary care in Europe as well as their impact on the broader coordination mechanisms within European health care systems. It also suggests effective strategies for future improvement in health care system reform. Primary care in the driver's seat is key reading for students studying health policy, health economics, public policy and management, as well as for health managers and policy-makers. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Health |
Countries / Regions | Europe |