Preventing injuries in Europe: from international collaboration to local implementation

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2010
ISBN 978-92-890-41966
Content Type

This is the final report of a three-year project between WHO and the European Commission on the progress made in preventing injury and promoting safety. It resulted in the development of a database of 47 country profiles compiled through a questionnaire survey and an inventory of national policies on preventing injuries and violence.

The report assesses the implementation of 99 evidence-based programmes, which include not only five causes of unintentional injury and six types of violence, but also measures that alleviate socioeconomic inequalities in injuries and violence and tackle alcohol as a risk factor.

Progress is analysed in a regional overview, as well as in a subgroup of European Union countries, and shows that WHO European Regional Committee resolution EUR/RC55/R9 on the prevention of injuries and European Council Recommendation on the prevention of injury and promotion of safety have catalysed change in 75% of the countries responding.

The evidence presented in this report will help to further engage the health sector and other stakeholders in a multisectoral response to prevent injuries, the third leading cause of death in Europe and a threat to economic and social development.

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Related Links
WHO: Preventing injuries in Europe: from international collaboration to local implementation. Executive summary

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions