Press Release: WTO-DDA: EU ready to go the extra mile in three key areas of the talks

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/04/622 (10.5.04)
Publication Date 10/05/2004
Content Type

In order to inject new momentum into the WTO talks under the Doha Development Agenda, Commissioners Pascal Lamy and Franz Fischler sent a letter to their WTO counterparts on 10 May 2004. The letter outlines three areas where the EU is ready to make further movement to contribute to the talks: 1) the EU is ready to put on the table all export subsidies, provided the EU gets full parallelism and a balanced overall package on agriculture, 2) new flexibility on Singapore issues and 3) a package on concessions for the poorest and weakest WTO members (essentially G-90). The EU calls on other WTO members to match this level of ambition so that the Doha Round can make real progress in July, by agreeing to modalities for the rest of the negotiations.

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