Press Release: The EU and Ivory Coast sign stepping stone trade deal

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/1775 (26.11.08)
Publication Date 26/11/2008
Content Type

The EU and the Ivory Coast signed a 'stepping stone' Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the first of its kind between the EU and an African trade partner. Amadou Koné, Côte d'Ivoire's Minister for African Integration and Karl Falkenberg, Deputy Director General for Trade at the European Commission, signed the deal in the Ivorian capital Abidjan. The agreement combined the benefits of a trade agreement with development assistance targeted at accelerating growth and development in the Ivory Coast. The final goal remains to conclude a full EPA with all the members of the West African region that will promote competitiveness, growth and investment while accelerating regional integration.

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Related Links
European Commission: MEMO/08/737: Interim Economic Partnership Agreements - West Africa: Ivory Coast and Ghana

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