Press Release: The Commission presents the results of its ‘health check’ on 321 European cities

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/1387 (23.09.08)
Publication Date 23/09/2008
Content Type

Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for regional policy, presented the results of the urban audit – a health check on 321 European cities, produced in association with EUROSTAT. The audit was based on 420 000 pieces of statistical information focussed on the issues of greatest importance today, such as population ageing, immigration, housing and the environment. This vast collection of data on living conditions in cities is a significant resource in the context of the cohesion policy and the European Strategy for Growth and Jobs. Specifically, the new data will make it possible to better target measures and investments in accordance with the needs observed. Cities will also be able to see how they compare with other cities and make improvements in selected areas.

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Countries / Regions