Press Release: The 2012 performance of EU Member States in applying EU law

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/984 (22.10.13)
Publication Date 22/10/2013
Content Type

Following a request made by the European Parliament the Commission presents, every year, since 1984, an annual report on monitoring the application of Community law during the preceding year. On 22 October 2013, the Commission presented its findings in the 30th Annual Report on monitoring the application of EU law.

The correct application of EU law is a cornerstone of the EU Treaties and at the heart of the Commission's regulatory fitness programme (REFIT). The 30th Annual Report on monitoring the application of EU law shows how Member States are performing in applying EU law. There were fewer infringements open at the end of 2012 than previous years. The number of cases in problem solving mechanisms such as EU Pilot increased. This reflects the determination of the European Commission to work with the Member States to solve problems and improve compliance.

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Related Links
European Commission: Secretariat-General: Application of EU law: Infringements of EU law: Annual reports

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