Press Release: Structural Funds (INTERREG IIIC) – Commission adopts a Communication on the implementation of interregional co-operation projects

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1257 (6.11.00)
Publication Date 06/11/2000
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted a Communication on the implementation of strand C of the INTERREG III Community Initiative. The Communication provides detailed guidelines in order to help the Member States and regions to prepare proposals for European support for actions in the field of interregional co-operation during the period 2000-06. The aim of INTERREG IIIC is to promote the development of networks between actors in different regions and in that way to promote a pooling of ideas and exchanges of experience and best practices on all matters relating to regional development. Cooperation involving regions in third countries, especially in candidate countries for membership of the Union, is included. The total contribution of the European Union to INTERREG IIIC for 2000-2006 is set at €295 million (1999 prices).

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Countries / Regions