Press Release: State Aid: Commission outlines comprehensive five year reform of state aid policy to promote growth, jobs and cohesion

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/680 (7.6.05)
Publication Date 07/06/2005
Content Type

The European Commission on 7 June 2005 adopted a State Aid Action Plan outlining the principles for a comprehensive reform of state aid rules and procedures over the following five years . In particular, the Commission intended to use the EC Treaty's state aid rules to encourage Member States to contribute to the Lisbon Strategy by focussing aid on improving the competitiveness of EU industry and creating sustainable jobs (more aid for R & D, innovation and risk capital for small firms), on ensuring social and regional cohesion and improving public services. The Commission also aimed to rationalise and streamline procedures, so that the rules were clearer and less aid had to be notified, and to accelerate decision-making. Interested parties were invited to submit comments on the Action Plan until 15 September 2005, after which detailed reform proposals were to be presented.

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