Press Release: State aid: Commission finds Portuguese shipyard operator ENVC received €290 million of incompatible aid; orders recovery from ENVC but not from new operator WestSea

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/15/4940 (07.05.15)
Publication Date 07/05/2015
Content Type

On 07 May 2015, after an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has concluded that around €290 million of public support granted by Portugal to Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, S.A. (ENVC), the former operator of shipyards located in Viana do Castelo in Portugal, was not compatible with EU state aid rules.

The Commission also found that the aid needs to be paid back by the ENVC and not the new shipyard operator WestSea, which has purchased part of ENVC's assets. There is no economic continuity between ENVC and WestSea because the assets were purchased at market conditions.

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