Press Release: Somalia: Commission provides EUR 4 million in emergency humanitarian aid

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/779 (8.6.07)
Publication Date 08/06/2007
Content Type

The European Commission has allocated €4 million in emergency relief to help up to 350,000 internally displaced people and host communities in Somalia. The Commission's humanitarian aid covers shelter, food aid, water and medical support – the latter in particular with regard to a major cholera outbreak in South Somalia with an estimated 17,000 cases so far. The Commission's assistance also covers logistical support for aid agencies to deliver and transport supplies in Somalia. All funds are channelled through the Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO). Since 2004, the Commission has provided humanitarian aid to vulnerable people in Somalia for a total of €32.5 million, including this latest allocation. Additional humanitarian aid worth €2 million is provided for Somali refugees in Kenya (see IP/06/1887). The Commission is also preparing a global humanitarian aid plan for Somalia and additional funds for food aid for adoption later in 2007.

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