Press Release: Services: Commission launches new strategy to dismantle remaining barriers

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/31 (11.1.01)
Publication Date 11/01/2001
Content Type

On 11.1.01, the European Commission launched a major new strategy to improve the practical working of the Internal Market by ensuring that service providers can operate as easily throughout the EU as they can in any single Member State. The Commission's initiative responds to a specific request from the Lisbon European Council in the context of making the EU the most competitive economy in the world within ten years. The aim of the strategy is to eliminate by the end of 2002 all barriers that can currently prevent a business model successful pioneered in one Member State from being introduced elsewhere in the Union. Under the Strategy, the Commission will in 2001 accelerate a number of initiatives in specific problem areas (such as recognition of qualifications and sales promotions) whilst in parallel rigourously analysing persistent barriers to cross-frontier movement of services and where necessary pursuing infringement procedures. In 2002, the Commission will set a precise timetable for Member States to dismantle specific barriers identified, present non-legislative supporting measures (e.g. codes of conduct) and propose harmonised rules for service provision where strictly necessary. It will also propose a mechanism to ensure that in other areas EU Member States will be required to recognise each others' rules and practices, rather than impose their own, whilst ensuring a high level of protection of public interest objectives.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Internal Market: Services and Establishment: The Internal Market for Services

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