Press Release: Securities markets: Commission urges update of current rules to spur closer market integration and improve investor protection. Securities markets: Commission analyses application of investor protection rules

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1315 (16.11.00)
Publication Date 16/11/2000
Content Type

The European Commission has published a Communication on Upgrading the Investment Services Directive. It is designed to launch an extensive review of how this legislation, now in force for five years, could best be updated to reflect the profound changes in investment services and the securities trading infrastructure in the European Union. The Communication has been identified by the Commission as one if its ten priorities in the next six months under the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP - see IP/00/1269) The FSAP aims to create a fully integrated single market in financial services by 2005 and is an essential element in developing a coherent EU response to the fundamental changes sweeping through European financial markets. The need to update EU rules to take account of the accelerating pace of change in European financial markets was emphasised in the initial report presented on 9 November by the Committee of Wise Men on the Regulation of European Securities Markets chaired by Alexandre Lamfalussy.

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