Press Release: Safety of food supplements Byrne welcomes agreement between European Parliament and Council

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/02/404 (13.3.02)
Publication Date 13/03/2002
Content Type

European Commissioner David Byrne has welcomed the European Parliament's position on the proposed Directive on Food Supplements. The European Parliament voted 13 March 2002 in favour of the legislative text adopted by the Council of Ministers as its Common Position, thus clearing the way for the final adoption of the new EU-wide rules. They will harmonise the substantially diverging national rules on the sale of food supplements in the form of pills and capsules, introducing common safety rules for food supplements that contain vitamins and minerals. Labels will have to give consumers detailed information on vitamin and mineral content and on daily use, including a warning about exceeding the intake as set out in the manufacturer's instructions.

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