Press Release: Road safety: EU road fatalities fall by 11% in 2010

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/11/830 (05.7.11)
Publication Date 05/07/2011
Content Type

The European Commission has published new statistics showing that EU road fatalities decreased by 11% in 2010. However, country by country statistics show that the number of deaths still varies greatly across the EU. Most countries achieved double-digit reductions in the number of road deaths over the past year, the best ones being Luxembourg (33%), Malta (29%) Sweden (26%) and Slovakia (26%).

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: Memo/11/483: Road safety: EU crackdown on drivers committing traffic offences abroad
ESO: Background Information: Statement: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council facilitating cross-border enforcement in the field of road safety
European Commission: Memo/10/343: Road Safety Programme 2011-2020: detailed measures

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