Press Release: Rights of suspects and defendants in criminal proceedings: Commission presents proposal for a framework decision

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/04/555 (28.4.04)
Publication Date 28/04/2004
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted its first defence orientated proposal for a framework decision in the area of criminal justice. The proposal, transmitted to the Council and the European Parliament, covers the issues of suspects and defendants' access to legal advice, access to interpretation and translation for non-native defendants, protecting those who cannot understand or follow the proceedings, consular assistance to foreign detainees, the Letter of Rights, evaluation and monitoring. The rights of the defence were explicitly mentioned in the conclusions of the European Council when it met in Tampere, Finland, in October 1999 to decide how to implement the Amsterdam Treaty in the field of Justice and Home Affairs. The aim is to achieve equivalence between the Member States, although the starting point will be 'common minimum standards', leaving the Member States free to build on those in order to ensure a fair trial system within their jurisdiction.

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