Press Release: Reducing biodiversity loss: a new European Commission tool will help protect Africa’s wildlife

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/470 (27.03.08)
Publication Date 27/03/2008
Content Type

Africa is home to some of the most valuable natural ecosystems and species on the planet. Worldwide, more than 16 000 plant and animal species are threatened with extinction. The monitoring of Africa's 741 protected areas (representing over two million square kilometres, i.e. nearly half the total area of the EU) plays a vital role in biodiversity protection, conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources. 'The Assessment of African Protected Areas', an online information system based on the latest advances in satellite technology, monitors trends in fire, vegetation, and rainfall. It allows park managers to compare current fire activity, vegetation growth or rainfall against seasonal norms. This information will help African nations to achieve the goal of reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010.

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