Press Release: Public procurement: consultation shows need for clarification of EU rules on public-private partnerships

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/555 (12.5.05)
Publication Date 12/05/2005
Content Type

The European Commission on 12 May 2005 published a report on the results of a consultation on public-private partnerships (PPPs) that had been launched in April 2004 (IP/04/593). The aim of the consultation was to help assess if there was a need to improve EU law in this area. A majority of stakeholders asked for clarification of EU public procurement rules that apply to the selection of private partners for PPPs. Opinion was divided on the form and the precise content of the EU initiatives required.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Internal Market and Services: Public Procurement: Public-Private Partnerships
European Commission: COM(2004) 327: Green Paper on Public-Private Partnerships and Community Contracts and Concessions
European Commission: SEC(2005)629

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