Press Release: New proposals for growth and jobs under the next Financial Framework 2007-13

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/389 (6.4.05)
Publication Date 06/04/2005
Content Type

The European Commission on 6 April 2005 adopted the last package of detailed proposals, linked to the next Financial Framework 2007-2013. The proposals fleshed out the European Union's priorities on a range of vital areas such as research, citizenship, freedom, security and justice and health and consumer protection and a reform to achieve sustainable fisheries. The estimated cost of the package was €93billion and was already included in the proposal for a new Financial Framework adopted by the Commission in 2004. The current revenue ceiling was thereby kept intact. The package completed the proposals from July and September 2004 and was the last needed for the Council and the European Parliament to reach an agreement on the next Financial Framework.

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