Press Release: New EU moves to improve legal certainty in cross-border divorce proceedings

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/997 (17.7.06)
Publication Date 17/07/2006
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted two initiatives to establish clear rules that will facilitate life for couples in the European Union. One consequence of the increasing mobility of citizens is a growing number of couples of different nationalities and couples who live in a Member State other than their State of origin. The Commission has put forward two initiatives to tackle the obstacles that these couples currently face when they have to divorce and divide their property. The first initiative aims at making it easier for citizens to predict which law will apply to their divorce and at ensuring access to court in divorce proceedings. The second initiative launches a public consultation on applicable law, jurisdiction and recognition in matters of property rights of married and unmarried couples. Both initiatives are part of the European Union's on-going work to create a common judicial area.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/06/287

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