Press Release: Nature conservation: One in six European mammals threatened with extinction shows assessment by the World Conservation Union (IUCN)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/692 (22.5.07)
Publication Date 22/05/2007
Content Type

Published on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day, an assessment of all European mammals shows that nearly one in every six mammal species is threatened with extinction. The report, commissioned by the European Commission and carried out by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), demonstrates that population trends are alarming: a quarter (27%) of all mammals had declining populations and a further 33% had an unknown population trend. Only 8% were identified as increasing, including the European bison. The report also highlights successful recoveries resulting from targeted conservation measures and shows that to reverse the observed decline such measures need to be integrated into all European Union policies on the use of natural resources.

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