Press Release: Kimberley Process reviews progress during 2007

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/1632 (31.10.07)
Publication Date 31/10/2007
Content Type

The European Commission, as current Chair of the Kimberley Process (KP) - the international scheme to end trade in conflict diamonds, is hosting its Annual Conference in Brussels on 5-8 November 2007. Some 300 delegates, including Ministers, officials, industry and civil society representatives, will meet to review efforts in diamond trading, cutting and polishing centres to exclude conflict diamonds, as well as controls in countries with artisanal diamond production. Participants are expected to agree further measures to strengthen the scheme.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: MEMO/07/444: Kimberley Process – United to fight blood diamonds
European Commission: SPEECH/07/679: Benita Ferrero-Waldner: Kimberley Process reviews progress during 2007

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