Press Release: Intergovernmental Conference: Commission proposes creating a European Prosecutor to combat fraud effectively

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1081 (29.9.00)
Publication Date 29/09/2000
Content Type

On 29.9.00, the European Commission adopted a concrete proposal for the creation of a European Prosecutor to protect the Communities' financial interests (DOC/00/27). It will send the proposal to the Intergovernmental Conference as an additional contribution. The Commission's proposal is for a new Treaty article simply laying down the terms governing the appointment and departure from office of the independent prosecutor and defining his task. It suggests that his status and working arrangements be dealt with by secondary legislation. The proposal underlines the political priority which the Commission attaches to the fight against fraud and also offers a response to the concerns expressed by the European Parliament in its resolution on the IGC on 14.4.00.

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European Commission: Outcome of the IGC 2000 [archived pages]

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