Press Release: Europe’s Net Generation: Catching up with the US? European Commission launches new strategy for jobs in the knowledge economy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/119 (7.2.00)
Publication Date 07/02/2000
Content Type

At the initiative of Anna Diamantopoulou the European Commission launched on 7.2.00 a new strategy to promote employment and skills for the new knowledge economy, and to overcome the gap that has opened up with the US on access to the internet and use of information and communication technology. Net access in Europe today is not only much lower than that in the US, but it is concentrated among higher income groups, among men, and - geographically - in northern Europe.

Calling for comprehensive action across Europe, Employment Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou said:

'Our goal is to build an inclusive knowledge based economy - it is the only route to create jobs and growth in Europe in the coming years. If we can combine competitiveness and cohesion in the new knowledge economy, Europe will act as a model to the world. The next generation of the workforce - the net generation - is in school today. Our actions today in equiping this generation, and in grasping the challenges and opportunities of the knowledge society, are vital to our future economic and social development . I call on European governments - and the social partners - to take on board the recommendations put forward by the European Commission today.'

The Commission paper highlights a number of opportunities and challenges presented by the knowledge economy, looks at examples of best practice in Europe today, and also looks at some of the weaknesses and risks faced by Europe.

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