Press Release: Europeans support more money for EU research

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/718 (13.6.05)
Publication Date 13/06/2005
Content Type

According to two Eurobarometer reports published on 13 June 2005, 71% of EU citizens agree that collaborative research at EU level is growing in importance and 59% consider that the EU should spend more money on scientific research. 64% of Europeans agree that our economy can become more competitive only by applying the most advanced technologies. The same proportion acknowledges the role science and technology play today in industrial development. The survey supports the perception that the US is more advanced that Europe in research, with only 12% of those questioned thinking that Europe is ahead of the US.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Press and Communication: Eurobarometer: Special: Social Values, Science & Technology, 2005
Eurobarometer: Special Eurobarometer, No.225: Social values, science and technology

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