Press Release: European Commission makes first payment of €90 million under state‑building contract with Mali

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/599 (25.06.13)
Publication Date 25/06/2013
Content Type

The European Commission has just paid out €90 million to Mali under the state‑building contract.

Commission President José Manuel Barroso commented ‘This payment, part of the € 523 million aid package that I announced at the donor conference ‘Together for a new Mali’ on 15 May in Brussels, demonstrates that the European Union is fully committed to state‑building in Mali’. Mr Barroso also said, ‘I welcome the agreement signed on 18 June with a view to holding elections on 28 July and I urge the Malian authorities to continue their efforts to implement the roadmap for transition and the Plan for the Sustainable Recovery of Mali’.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Press Release: International donor conference: €3.25 billion mobilised by international community to rebuild Mali

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