Press Release: EU/US review progress in joint anti-counterfeiting drive; plan to expand work in 2007

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/123 (1.2.07)
Publication Date 01/02/2007
Content Type

Officials from the European Commission and US government are meeting in Geneva on 1 February 2007 with industry representatives from both sides of the Atlantic to review progress in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy. EU and US authorities are expanding their efforts to combat the rising economic damage to industry and the safety and health hazards posed by stolen technologies and fake products. Intellectual property rights experts in Brussels and Washington have established close and regular contacts on the most important issues, and are focusing attention on key problem countries. US and EU Customs officials are also successfully participating in joint targeting and examination of shipments in search of counterfeits. 2007 will see further close cooperation.

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