Press Release: EU to reinforce transport cooperation with Africa

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/09/1560 (22.10.09)
Publication Date 22/10/2009
Content Type

The European Commission is to set up an action plan with its African partners to discuss ways to improve and strengthen transport links between the two continents on an ongoing basis. The action plan was announced on 22 October 2009 during the Euro-African Transport Forum that was held in the framework of the 'TEN-T days' conference taking place in Naples on 21 and 22 October. The Forum was attended by representatives of EU Member States, the Commission as well as those from African countries and regional organisations. This Forum was directly linked to the recent communication on 'Partnership between the European Union and Africa Connecting. Africa and Europe: working towards strengthening transport cooperation'. This Communication is a tool that aims to reinforce cooperation in this key sector by putting at the disposal of the African continent Europe's experience in this area and by launching a first thought in the view of developing a concrete action plan aiming at strengthening the interconnections between the EU an the African networks. Further cooperation is expected to lead to increased trade, improved safety and security as well as a transport system that is better equipped to deal with the challenges of climate change.

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