Press Release: EU scientists call for better control of zoonoses in the food chain

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/536 (26.5.00)
Publication Date 26/05/2000

The Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health published 26 May 2000 an opinion on the control of zoonoses along the food chain, calling for tighter controls and improved monitoring to reverse the trend towards an increase in zoonotic diseases. Zoonoses are infections transmittable from animals to man. The Committee identifies seven food-borne zoonoses as the highest public health priorities in this area in Europe, including salmonella and listeria. Zoonoses are difficult to control given that a number of the microorganisms involved are ubiquitous and not easily eliminated from the food chain. In the White Paper on Food Safety the European Commission has announced a series of measures for the second half of this year to improve the monitoring and reporting system and to set up a framework to reduce the prevalence of certain zoonoses. Specific new measures to combat listeria and salmonella are also in the pipeline.

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