Press Release: Electronic commerce: Commission welcomes final adoption of legal framework Directive

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/442 (4.5.00)
Publication Date 04/05/2000

The European Commission has welcomed the European Parliament's approval, on 4.5.00, of the Electronic Commerce Directive, which clears the way for this important measure to become law within the next 18 months. The Lisbon Summit identified this Directive as a top priority in preparing Europe's transition to a knowledge-based economy and boosting competitiveness. The Directive will ensure that Information Society services benefit from the Internal Market principles of free movement of services and freedom of establishment and can be provided throughout the European Union if they comply with the law in their home Member State. It establishes specific harmonised rules only where strictly necessary to ensure that businesses and citizens can supply and receive Information Society services throughout the EU, irrespective of frontiers.

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